Zane Schwenk grinding at the MasterCraft Booth
Zane Schwenk is a legend in the water sports industry and a 20 year veteran of Surf Expo. Surf Expo is the show to be at for water sports and beach lifestyle companies with over 26,000 people attending and over 2,600 vendor booths... it is huge! You can get lost in how much there is to do at the show and at the same time you can be very unproductive with how much fun you can have.
After 20 years of attending Surf Expo as an athlete and an exhibitor we thought Zane's brain would be ripe for picking out 5 ways to have more fun and how to get more done at Surf Expo. Here is what he had to say:
5 Ways to Have More Fun:
- Don't Schedule Early Meetings
- Make Your Reps Pick Up The Tab
- Wonder Away From Your Segment and See The Other Side of the World
- Find the Free Beer Lines & After Parties
- Pick Up the Free Gear
5 Ways to Get More Done:
- Schedule Your Appointments Before the Show and Stick To It
- Come With Orders Complete as Possible (might even get a better deal)
- Don't Forget to Eat
- Text Your Next Appointment to Let Them Know You're on Your Way
- Don't Be Cheap (you came here to spend money)
The September 2014 Surf Expo was a great success keeping Zane's wisdom in mind! New boards, boats, bikinis. Below is a little taste of Surf Expo in photos. We always look forward to this event and can't wait for what we're going to bring in 2015!