World-renowned pro surfer Josh Mulcoy catches up with us after his recent cover shot on Surfer Magazine & the release of his new video The Cradle of Storms where he was chasing swells up in the very remote Aleutian Arc of Alaska.
Tell us about Surfer Mag; On the cover, all over the issue, how does it feel? Yea the last issue of Surfer was huge, cover, poster, 10-page profile, a feature and some ads.
Tell us about the cover shot:
Where? The cover was from up in the Aleutian Islands in Alaska and there was other shots in there from all over the world.
When? The trip happened right after the Big Boat Invitational event at DFW Surf last year.
Why? It was freezing but some of the best surf I have seen with no one around.
How did you get into wake surfing? Most people don’t have any idea how long I have actually been wake surfing. It is honestly over 10 years. I didn’t even know you could ride a wake behind a boat; I was wake skating behind my boat on a very short rope. I realized the board was actually kind of going with out the total use of the rope. So of course I grabbed my surfboard and was able to ride it. But nowhere near what anyone does today. Pretty much pumping the whole time just to keep up.
Where do you wake surf? My favorite place to go wake surf is the lakes up in Northern California. Nice water, warm temp, and decent landscapes.
Any athletic benefits of wake surfing translated in the surf? Without a doubt it is a great cross over to surfing. The wake doesn’t change much you can practice grabs and other turns over and over and over. Where surfing every wave is different you never get the same section twice.
What do you think about more pro surfers getting into wake surfing? So stoked to see other pro surfers start doing it. Its great to see a sport grow and even better if the surf industry gets involved.
How is wake surfing viewed within the surfing community? I think in the surfing community any thing with a wave and a surfboard people want to try. Its just very hard for so many people wake surfing isn’t cheap.
What do you want to tell surfers about wake surfing who have never experienced it before?
I just want to tell them surfing is the most selfish sport out there, when you are sitting in the lineup and a good wave comes everyone wants that wave. Wake surfing is the exact opposite we all get to enjoy the same thing. Everyone is always all smiles and having fun.
What are the advantages of wake surfing versus surfing? The advantages are definitely the wake is not always changing. You can stand there and really think of what you want to do next. If you fall the boat comes right back to you and the wave starts again. Definitely not in surfing you have to paddle out and try to catch another one.
You have mentioned before how wake surfing is more social; please explain... Everyone enjoys the same thing and no hassling for a wave. Usually that means all smiles and hoots on the boat. A non-stop good time!
Check out his latest project One Foot Wonderland combining NorCal lakes with Mexico Breaks:
Find out more about Josh Mulcoy at