3 Reasons I Love my New Centurion with Madi Horta


Top amateur wake surfer and Team Soulcraft rider, Madi Horta, is in love with her new Centurion FS33.  Here's her top 3 reasons why:

1: The Wave:  Centurion has made the longest, most powerful wave in the market.  Being a surf style rider, I like a long wave with a hard lip and a ton of push and the Fs33 has all of those covered. 

2: Ramfill:  Ramfill makes it quick and easy to get a competition level wave without any pumps or extra sacs.  By the time I wax up my board and put on my vest, it's time to surf.  I love having the quickest filling ballast system because the faster the boat is filled, the longer I get to be in the water doing what I love.

3: The Features:  Since I love listening to music while I'm training, the new Downfire audio system is perfect.  Normally I'm the one in the water constantly, so my parents get to enjoy the interior features the most.  My papa, aka the boat driver, loves the touch vision dash and my mom loves the comfort of the pop up stadium seats for those long training days on the lake.  From the audio system, to the seating and the mass amounts of LED lights, Centurion has thought of every detail in the "fit and finish" department. 

